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All Florists Reminder Service
Do you find that the days are going faster and faster? With many of us having so much to do and so little time to do it we can all forget things.
Well this is where All Florists can help. Let us remind you of those important dates, sending flowers to loved ones, Birthdays, Anniversaries or just a date to remember - the All Florist Reminder Service is here for you .... add your reminder below ....

Reminder details
Your e-mail *
Enter any other comments you would like with the reminder (eg. note to self):
maximum characters 200
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Date to remember
Reminder settings
1. How many weeks before your 'date to remember' would you like us to start sending you reminder emails? (you will be sent an email on the Monday of each week.)
2. If you would like us to send you a reminder email on a specific date please enter it here:
3. Would you like to set this reminder annually?
  yes   no

Fleur De Lis - flowers for every occasion -
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Plant Care Advice
Hints & Tips from the professionals on how to care for your plants. click here for more information.
Special Dates
Dont forget those special dates in the calendar. We've provided this page to help you.
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