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Plant Care
General Advice
Prolonging life of flowers
Ongoing Care
Positioning Flowers
Corsages / Body Flowers
Specific Plant Care
General Information
Future uses for Flowers
Flower Meanings
Dates to Remember

Future uses for flowers
Flowers have many meanings and memories. Just because your flowers are at the end of their life doesn't mean that they have no further use. Flowers can be used in many different ways, below are just a few ideas and common usages for flowers.
  • Flower Heads can be dried and crushed to make potpourri with added scented oils.
  • Dry flowers or entire bouquets for decorations.
  • Petals from flowers can be placed in a clear lamp or vase as a decorative piece.
  • Use rose petals in a romantic scene such as a scented bath.
Fleur De Lis - flowers for every occasion -
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